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Brief introduction to BFZH’s "GIS-based Research on Purchaser" Project

Linking up purchaser's purchase behavior, demographic characters and population Geographical information, helping company identify business investment and appropriate area conducive to carrying out marketing activities, choosing right target customers and buyers groups - these are the salient features of BFZH’s research on purchaser.


  • 在一座城市里,一个商圈中,人口密度或人口流量如何?你有多少潜在购物者在这个区域中?
  • 在这个潜在的购物群体中,实际购买率与购买力水平是怎样的?
  • 不同年龄、职业、收入特征的购买者分别去哪儿购物?用什么方式购物?
  • 他们各自衷情于哪种业态或忠诚于哪些品牌消费场所?
  • 他们在不同业态和不同品牌的消费场所中购买支出金额如何? 
  • 在居民区、商业中心区、商务区、或者政务区,静态的人口和动态的人口分别如何?
  • 在这些区域生活的居住人口和在这些区域供职的工作人口的数量与基本特征是怎么样的?
  • 在一个特定区域内,白天的购物人群和晚间和购物人群,在人口统计特征和购物行为上有哪些区别? 
  • ……
  • 据此,北方纵横可以帮助企业确定投资方向,设计产品组合、选址方案、行销战略。

BFZH can tell client:
In a city, or a business district, what’s the population density or population flow? Or, how many potential shoppers are there?
In these potential shopping groups, what are the actual purchase rate and purchasing power?
Where do purchasers shop respectively with different characteristics of age, occupation, incoming? What way do they shop?
Which formats are they fond of or which brands are they loyal to?
How about the amount of expenditure they spend in different formats and brands.
What about the static and dynamic population in residential areas, central business districts, business districts or administrative districts respectively? What are the number and basic features of the residential population and working population living and working in these areas. 
What are the differences in demographic characteristics and shopping behaviors of day and evening shopping crowd in a particular area.
…… Accordingly, BFZH can help companies determine investment direction, design product portfolio , site selection plan, marketing strategies.

Data of BFZH’s research on purchasers all have spatial features or geographic positioning. When these data are on the basis of BFZH’s "Trading Area and Residential Communities Population Database" , the Customer enterprise’ "Customer Geographic Information System" database platform is constructed. It facilitates clients’ presentation and analytical applications in GIS, doing business investment research and optimization of business analysis based on GIS.

According to project needs, BFZH’s Research on Purchaser report
can present to the client in a way of word reports, data reports, visual electronic maps, combination of live audio and video files of Buyers research.